UPF UK Introductory event - 10th January 2019
Written by Hannah Fellerman

Hannah pictured with the UPF team and guests - 10th Jan, 2019.
I had the honour of speaking at the Universal Peace Federation UK introductory event in London, on 10th January 2019. At the event I met lots of inspiring individuals who have set up projects in areas such as youth education, women's rights, self development, humanitarian aid and much more.
I spoke about the creation of EZELLE, our mission and our future plans. It was an exceptional experience to share my personal journey as well as the story of EZELLE with like-minded people who shared similar values and visions for the future!

Universal Peace Federation is about co-existence at it's core. They believe working together despite our differences in culture, skin colour, ethnicities, gender, spiritual / religious beliefs, age and other such factors which should not separate us is key to achieving peace and harmony. I was able to instantly resonate with UPF's philospohy as it encompasses all the values I share and have implemented into EZELLE.
Their projects include Interfaith peacebuilding, Peace and Security, United Nations relations, Marriage and Family, Peace Education and Human Development, Youth and Service, Women's Equality and Empowerment and Sustainable Development Goals / Environment.
For more information about UPF and how to get involved please visit their global website www.upf.org.
Find out how UPF participate in your country here.